Frequently Asked Questions


Where are you located?
Where are you located?
At Edgebrook Mall in Rockford, Illinois, behind Sonny's Place. Our address is 1615 North Alpine Road.
Where can I park?
Where can I park?
Anywhere in the spacious Edgebrook parking lot. Parking is free, safe, and well-lit 24/7. The most convenient spots to our storefront are situated between Ace Hardware and Sonny's Place.
What should I bring?
What should I bring?
Just a water bottle! Leave your yoga mat at home. We provide premium-quality yoga mats and hot yoga mat towels, along with sweat towels and all of the yoga props you may need. We've designed the experience to be truly all-inclusive.

Do I need to book ahead of time?
Do I need to book ahead of time?
For spa, Reiki, and private yoga appointments:  yes.
For yoga:  no, but we recommend it. Walk-in availability is based on capacity and cannot be guaranteed.
Is there an age requirement?
Is there an age requirement?
Short answer:  no!
You know your child best. If you feel they would enjoy a yoga class surrounded by mostly adults, they are always welcome. We love having kids in class, and yoga is so beneficial for children. However, if you feel an adult-oriented yoga class might be challenging, we do offer private yoga sessions (for your child alone, the two of you together, or even the whole family!) as well as seasonal kids yoga group classes.
* For the spa, we do have an age minimum of 18.
I've never done yoga before. Is that okay?
I've never done yoga before. Is that okay?
Absolutely! We LOVE beginners. All of our classes are beginner-friendly, unless otherwise noted. You will never be expected to do a headstand or touch your toes. Come as you are, do what you can. Yoga is all about how you feel on the inside... not how you look on the outside.
Where should I start?
Where should I start?
We offer three great options for beginners:
  1. Each month, we host a Free Intro Day to tour the space, take a beginner meditation class, learn about yoga, meet some of our team members, and enjoy tea in our community lounge. 
  2. Find a Beginner-Level Yoga class on the weekly class schedule.
  3. Book a private yoga session if you would prefer a customized experience.
What should I wear?
What should I wear?
Anything you're comfortable moving, stretching, and potentially sweating in. (Especially if you're coming to a Hot Yoga class.) We recommend loose-fitting, breathable, cotton clothing, rather than tight, plastic materials like polyester.
How early should I arrive?
How early should I arrive?
Your first time, we encourage you to arrive 15-20 minutes early to familiarize yourself with the space and settle in. That said, you are welcome to arrive as early as you'd like and relax in our community lounge after class for as long as you'd like.
What is the temperature in the yoga studio?
What is the temperature in the yoga studio?
Hot Yoga Classes:  100 degrees (F)
All other Yoga Classes:  72 degrees (F)
Can I try a class for free?
Can I try a class for free?
Each month, we host a Free Intro Day to tour the space, take a beginner meditation class, learn about yoga, meet some of our team members, and enjoy tea in our community lounge. If you're ready to try some of our classes, we offer a New Student Special: $49 for a week of unlimited yoga!
Why are the spa appointments 90 minutes long?
Why are the spa appointments 90 minutes long?
Truthfully, we could spend all day in the spa. But 90 minutes allows you plenty of time to enjoy our recommended spa circuit, without feeling rushed:

  1. Rinse in the rain shower
  2. 3 rounds of 5 minutes each in the hot soak and cold plunge
  3. 20-30 minutes in the wet sauna

This allows you plenty of time to wrap up with a long, relaxing rain shower, dry off, dress, and get ready to return to your day feeling fresh and renewed. Your spa session also includes all-day access to our Silent Meditation Room, so you can turn your session into a full day mini-retreat.
What is the expected etiquette in the spa? 
What is the expected etiquette in the spa?
All guests must shower with soap before using the sauna and tubs to ensure the cleanest environment for all and longevity of the spa equipment.

All guests must sit on a towel in the sauna and rinse prior to using the tubs.

Bathing suits are optional as the spa is completely private, and you will be uninterrupted for the duration of your appointment.

Please be mindful to treat our spa with love and care as you would your own home so that it lasts for many years to come.
What are the temps of the hot soak, cold plunge, and wet sauna?
What are the temps of the hot soak, cold plunge, and wet sauna?
The hot soak is kept at 104 degrees and the cold plunge at 55 degrees.

We keep the wet sauna at 160 degrees and allow you to add water to the rocks as desired.
What is Reiki?
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese holistic energy therapy. Reiki translates to “life force energy.” It is the energy that sustains all Life. In yoga we call it Prana, and in Chinese medicine it is called Chi. When the life force energy is flowing well in your system, you experience health and happiness of body, mind, and spirit. When the energy is depleted or blocked, you can experience dis-ease in body, mind, and spirit. Reiki liberates the life force energy in the body, clears and calms the mind, and awakens the spirit.
What are the benefits of Reiki?
What are the benefits of Reiki?
  • Reduces stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Relieves physical pain and discomfort
  • Purifies the physical body
  • Aids immunity
  • Increases energy
  • Calms the mind
  • Improves concentration
  • Awakens intuition
  • Enhances meditation abilities 
  • Balances the chakras and aura
  • Evokes understanding, gratitude, forgiveness, spirituality
What happens in a Reiki session?
What happens in a Reiki session?
We recommend arriving 10-15 minutes early to familiarize yourself with our facilities and enjoy our relaxation lounge. You'll be greeted by one of our team members and guided back to your treatment room with your Reiki practitioner. The room looks and feels like a massage therapy room -- cozy and serene, decorated with healing crystals and gemstones. There is plenty of space for you to store your belongings. So long as it's comfortable for you, you'll lie down on the massage table for your session. (Let us know if you are pregnant, injured, or for any other reason wish to remain seated.) You may remain fully clothed or choose to undress and cover with the provided linens. The majority of the session will be conducted hands-off within the "aura," or the energetic field surrounding your body. If you're comfortable, some light hands-on work may be offered. Your time begins and ends with a consultation where you have the opportunity to share anything that's on your heart, or anything you experienced. You have all-day access to our Silent Meditation Room and community lounge after your session, where we have tea and a reading library available.
How does membership work?
How does membership work?
Yoga membership is charged monthly on an auto-renewal until you cancel. No long-term contracts, minimum requirements, or cancellation penalties.

Your membership grants you unlimited access to all of our weekly yoga classes, plus special discounted Member Rates on wellness services, events, retreats, and trainings, as well as exclusive access to our Silent Meditation Room.
How do I cancel my membership?
How do I cancel my membership?
Membership cancellations must be requested via email to a minimum of 7 days prior to your next upcoming auto-renewal to avoid unwanted payments. For cancellations requested less than 7 days prior to an upcoming payment, we may be unable to process your cancellation in time to avoid your next payment. Membership charges are non-refundable and non-transferrable once they have been incurred. Please take note of your scheduled auto-renewals and plan accordingly to avoid unwanted charges.

Cancellations will be effective immediately, removing access to all classes and perks, even if your membership period has not expired. We suggest planning to cancel in the days before your next upcoming auto-renewal to avoid losing any pre-paid access.
How do I cancel a class or appointment reservation?
How do I cancel a class or appointment reservation?
Cancellations must be completed through your online client portal. Class reservations must be cancelled 1 hour prior to class start time in order to receive a credit back to your account. Appointments must be cancelled 24 hours before appointment start time to receive a credit back to your account. After cancellation windows have closed, credits will no longer be available. Monetary refunds will not be available.
What's your refund policy?
What's your refund policy?
Monetary refunds are not available. All refunds are handled in the form of credits. If cancelled properly online in your client portal within our cancellation policy windows, all cancelled class passes and appointments will be credited back to your account for future use.

If you are unable to cancel within your online client portal, you may call or email us to cancel. Cancellation policy time windows still apply. You must receive confirmation of your cancellation in order to receive credit to your account.